4月頭に注文したギターアンプシミュレーター(Tonex Pedal)が入荷して、ようやく手元に届きました。(結構な人気商品のようで、納期に時間がかかったようです。)
ギターアンプシミュレーターに関しては、これまでずっとLINE6のPOD XTを使ってきたんだけど、今回のシミュレーターは、(第一印象ですが)だいぶ解像度が高く、PODxtと比べても音の芯が太い感じがします。今時の機材は凄いですね。
メーカーはIK Multimediaなので、流石に完成度は高いですね。昨年辺りからプラグインでも使うようになってきて注目してたので期待通りでした。

The guitar amp simulator (Tonex Pedal) I ordered at the beginning of April arrived and finally arrived. ( It seems to be quite a popular product, and it seems that the delivery time took a long time.)
As for the guitar amplifier simulator, I’ve been using LINE6’s POD XT for a long time, but this simulator has a much higher resolution (although it’s the first impression), and the core of the sound feels thick compared to PODxt. Yes. The equipment of this time is amazing.
Rather than creating a sound, it is impressive that it faithfully reproduces the original sound, but as a construction, the combination of the amplifier and the cabinet can be changed and there is also an EQ reverb, so you can do it to your liking. ( Personally, I was impressed by the reality of the spread of the reverb.)
The manufacturer is IK Multimedia, so as expected, the degree of completion is high. I’ve been using plug-ins since around last year, and I’ve been paying attention to it, so it was as expected.
I would like to make use of it in my future song making.