2 Singles released


kNock in Story Project J.M.C “春 (2025 Ver.)” 2025.2.27 Release

今年のリリース第二弾。以前制作した「春」を2025 Versionとしてリメイクしました。優しく切ない雰囲気のミディアム楽曲です。

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Ancient Explorer” 2025.2.20 Release



It’s March now and the weather is gradually getting warmer.
Now, here comes the first single release of the year!

🔸kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Spring (2025 Ver.)” 2025.2.27 Release

This is the second release of the year. I remade the previously produced “Spring” into the 2025 version. It’s a medium tempo song with a gentle and sad atmosphere.

🔸kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Ancient Explorer” 2025.2.20 Release

This is the first release of the year. It’s an experimental song with a slightly different structure and worldview from previous songs. I started working on it around November of last year, and it feels like I’ve finally been able to release it.

Please give it a listen if you’d like!

New album EP production


4th アルバム「Long-Road」は聴いてみていただけましたでしょうか。リリース後、久しぶりに自分でも改めて聴いてみたんだけど、やはりこれまでのオリジナルアルバムより音質は向上していると思います。25曲あるので、1曲でも気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです!


It’s been a long time since I posted. It’s a very hot summer this year.

Have you listened to the 4th album “Long-Road”? After the release, I listened to it again for the first time in a long time, but I think the sound Quality is better than the original album so far. There are 25 songs, so I’d be happy if you like even one song!

Well, I’m currently producing a mini album EP for the next release. I think it will be a recording of about 7 songs, but I plan to summarize it into a unique and cool song like the EP released so far. Please look forward to it!

4th ALBUM “Long-Road” 7.29 Release

4th ALBUM “Long-Road” 7.29 Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C から4枚目のオリジナルアルバムをリリースすることになりました。今年に入ってからブログで幾度かお知らせはしていましたが、何だかんだんで半年かかりましたね。。もう少し早く完成できる想定でしたが、前作と異なる作品に拘ったためそれなりに時間かかってしまいました。お待たせいたしました。

そして、本作は3枚目のアルバム “Space Battleship”から約2年ぶりのリリースになります。今回のアルバム曲は主にミディアムテンポでメロディアスなトラックが多い印象ですが、曲により演出的な部分もあり、全体的に少し雰囲気を変えて制作しました。今回も25曲収録のため、曲順についてはライブリストのような感覚で、アップ寄りな曲とおとなしめな曲とでバランスよく入れたつもりです。

各ストアでの配信開始は7月29日となりますが、既にApple MusicやYoutubeなどで試聴が出来るようになっていますので、良かったら聴いていただければと思います。

kNock in Story Project J.M.C will release their fourth original album. I’ve announced it on my blog a few times since the beginning of this year, but it took half a year for it to be completed. I thought it would be completed a little sooner, but it took a while because I wanted to make it different from the previous work. Sorry for the wait.

This is the first release in about two years since the third album “Space Battleship”. The songs on this album are mostly medium tempo and melodic, but there are also some dramatic parts in the songs, so I created a slightly different atmosphere overall. Since this album contains 25 songs, I tried to balance the songs in the order of a live performance, with more upbeat and more subdued songs.

It will be available in various stores from July 29th, but you can already listen to it on Apple Music and Youtube, so I hope you’ll give it a listen.

thank you.

「Qualia Crisis」Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Qualia Crisis」
preview highlight

2/15に新作「Qualia Crisis」(backgroundトラック含めた全7曲収録のEP)を配信します。


New work “Qalia Crisis” (EP containing 7 songs including background tracks) will be distributed on 2/15.

I’ve been working on the sound since the end of last year, and I think it turned out to be a cool piece overall. Please listen if you don’t mind!

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Qualia Crisis」
Tr.1:Qualia Crisis
Tr.2:Two-minutes mission
Tr.3:Lamenting to Heaven
Tr.4:I’m in my soul
Tr.5,6,7: (background)

SG & AL Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「強く残されたもの -left strong-」11/1 Single Release

ポップユニットkNock in Story Project 活動時に好評だったバラードソングをJ.M.Cでインストゥルメンタルで配信することになりました。

The ballad song that was popular during the pop unit kNock in Story Project activity will be distributed instrumentally at J.M.C.

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Space Battleship」11/7 Album Release

これまでシングルやEPで配信していた楽曲をアルバムミックスした、25曲収録の3rdアルバムです。特にアルバムタイトルの1曲目「Space Battleship」が個人的にもおすすめです。



This is the 3rd album with 25 songs that have been broadcast on singles and EPs. In particular, I personally recommend the first song of the album title “Space Battleship”.

You will be able to listen to it from the product link where the side banner is installed.

Please listen to it if you like!


kNock in Story Project J.M.C「TREASURE SHIP」

8/23 delivery kNock in Story Project J.M.C “TREASURE SHIP”

A compilation of 6 original songs, up-to-medium tempo instrumental shorts on the theme of a fantastical voyage.

I usually use hardware synth sound sources, but this time I also recorded a short song using only soft synths.

The second main track, which is the package title, is inspired by the pirate ship on the jacket. Fire the cannon during the song!

8/23配信 kNock in Story Project J.M.C「TREASURE SHIP」





kNock in Story Project J.M.C「fluff」


Up-tempo songs and intense songs continued until the last time, so this time I decided to make it a little different atmosphere, so I released a song called “fluff”. It’s a medium tempo, a little bit sad, and a gentle, forward-looking song. Please listen if you like!


「Forever Night」Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Forever Night」

「FOREVER NIGHT」配信開始しました。


“FOREVER NIGHT” is now available.

This time, there are two original songs. The first song is a dance music-like song that uses a sampled sound source. This is an instrumental arrangement of the songs that were often performed live in the unit that was active in the past. It’s a work that I personally love, and the second song has a powerful and cool arrangement. Please listen if you like!

music:Forever Night〜Dawn



lost in the night sky 〜

lost in the night sky 〜

lost in the night sky …


oh 〜 this night forever 〜

oh 〜 this night forever 〜

oh 〜 this night forever 〜

this night forever …


「Spiral Galaxy」Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Spiral Galaxy」






Distribution started on March 26, 2022

It will be newly distributed with 10 songs recorded (original + background). This is an instrumental EP.

This time, I’ve put together a song that has a story as a whole.

It’s a bit dark, but the sound source uses a lot of multiple analog modeling synths, and while it has a little retro sound, I think every song looks cool.

Please listen if you like.

music : Spiral Galaxy〜Mars〜Cherry-blossoms〜In the dark〜Destiny〜H2O

「Space Battleship (background)」Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Space Battleship (background)」




kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Space Battleship」



Distribution started on February 17, 2022

This is a version of background music without the melody.

This official version (with melody) has been distributed for a long time, but it seems to be popular from overseas, and I personally like it quite a bit.

As the name suggests, the image of the song is “Space Battleship”, which is made with the image of a fortress. I also use analog synths and analog modeling sound sources a lot, so I think it’s worth listening to.

Please ask if you like.

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Space Battleship」
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