
本来ならヘッドバンドのところに書かれていた”STUDIO MONITOR”の文字がここまで消えてるほど使ってたらそろそろ寿命です。両サイドのパッドを支えているプラスチックが劣化してちょっとした拍子で折れてしまいました。


I’ve had these headphones for so many years that I don’t even know how many years they’ve been in use. When I took them out of the vocal booth for work, they broke.
If you’ve used it so much that the “STUDIO MONITOR” letters that were supposed to be written on the headband have faded away, it’s time for the earbuds to reach the end of their life. The plastic supporting the pads on both sides has deteriorated and can break with just a little force.
So, I have a few other headphones (MDR-CD900ST) on hand, but my tastes have changed and I’ve been using the same Sony MDR-7506 for a while now. The jack is gold-plated, so there’s no noise, and the cord is curled, so it’s easy to carry around. Above all, I find the bass easy to hear, so I find it very useful. That said, I think I’ll probably buy the MDR-CD900ST again.