“BLIZZARD” “Full-throttle” Release




未知の世界に行ってみよう。そんなイメージで、サウンドは色々と細かいところに拘った楽曲です。個人的には“Worm-Hole”の時空を彷徨ってる雰囲気がお気に入りです。 “BLIZZRD”のメロディ音源はminimoogにViolinを重ねました。



Two works related to jackets have been released.

From the atmosphere that has been released so far, the theme is heading to space, but…

Let’s go to the unknown world. With such an image, the sound is a song that sticks to various details. Personally, I like the atmosphere of “Worm-Hole” wandering through time and space.

The melody sound source of “BLIZZRD” superimposed Violin on minimoog.

Also, next time, unlike this work, in addition to the remake version of “fluff” that was delivered before, we are producing mature songs that match the atmosphere. It’s probably going to be about 4 songs, but I want to make music that feels rather relaxed.

I’m taking a while to produce it, but I’m planning to release it again soon, so please look forward to it.

Delivery Single 2 weeks in a row


4/12 Release「天華 -TENGE-」4/19 Release「Blacksmith」




“Tenge” Japanese-style rock music with uptempo.

A bright instrumental mainly based on “Blacksmith” analog synths.

In particular, “Blacksmith” is produced with a slightly different nuance than before,I feel like I’ve stepped into a new area.

Since it’s April, it will be a truck that seems to be excited.

Please listen to it if you like!

「Flower petal dance」Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「Flower petal dance」
Flower petal dance 〜 Oroch





It’s already being delivered, but a new album has been released.

The jacket photo is also like a flower blizzard, but I like it with its vivid colors. Both of the two songs will be up-tempo Japanese-style songs, so please listen to them if you like!

In addition, we have already produced the next new song, and we are currently preparing for distribution.

One of the songs is a progressive rock-like tune and I personally like it very much, so I’m considering whether I can put this out in high-resolution! Look forward to it!




A new sound source is being produced.

We are currently working on the first release of this year.

In order to motivate and improve the work in the future, we have strengthened our unique effect plug-ins from around the end of the year to the present. I think the future works will have a slightly different sound quality than before. It will be released soon, so please look forward to it!


“kNock in Story Project J.M.C”としての配信コンテンツがだいぶ増えてきたのですが、これまで作った楽曲の中で個人的に密かに気に入っている、お気に入り楽曲を紹介するマイナーなページを作りました。お気に入り曲も最近の気分で変わるので、個人的なページですが、良かったら聴きに来てください♪不定期でローテーションしていこうと思います。

J.M.C’s room

The distribution content as “kNock in Story Project J.M.C” has increased considerably, but among the songs I’ve made so far, I’m secretly introducing my favorite songs. I made a Ji. My favorite song also changes with my recent mood, so it’s a personal page, but please come and listen to it if you like ♪ I’m going to rotate irregularly.

Happy New Year!







kNock in Story Project J.M.C「White Love (Quiet Version)」

先月12月にリリースした「White Love」のサウンドを控えめにした、ストリングスが奏でる静かな楽曲です。2曲目はストリングスメロディにアレンジした「escape」。


Happy New Year!

It’s already been 2023.

I feel like I’ve reached the New Year while the fever of the World Cup doesn’t cool down, but time flies. It’s been a cold day, how are you doing?

As for music activities, last year was a year of strengthening the music production environment such as audio plug-ins including PCs.

As if to revive the important songs that had been sleeping in the warehouse so far, I was able to make distribution content such as EPs and 3rd albums, mainly focusing on Mix work, but recently I’ve been listening to it as much as possible and I’m making it easy to listen to. I want to go. I’m going to have fun making it this year, so please look forward to what kind of work you can do!

Wishing you and your family all the best in the new year.


Apple AirTag

I bought an Apple AirTag to prevent loss and theft of valuables. I imagined it to be smaller, but (although I tried to attach a protective case), it has a surprisingly strong presence and is cool. I’m sure it will come in handy when the time comes.

貴重品の紛失防止と盗難防止のためApple AirTagを購入してみました。想像ではもっと小さいイメージでしたが、(一応保護ケースも付けてみたけど)意外と存在感があってカッコいい。もしもの時には、きっと役立つと思う。

Apple M1 Max

The Mac Pro (Desk Top) I’ve been using for about 10 years has broken down, and the MacBook Pro Intel (15.4inch) I’m still using now can’t keep up with my current work, so for the future Macbook Pro M1 Max I decided to purchase (16 inch).

今まで10年くらい使っていたMac Pro (Desk Top)が壊れ、代わりに現在も使っているMacBook Pro Intel(15.4inch)が今の作業に追いつかなくなってきたので、今後のためにMacbook Pro M1 Max(16inch)を購入することにしました。

Automatically turns on when you open the lid! It seems that the Apple mark on the back has become a specification that does not shine.


M1 Max (16 inch) on the left and Intel i7 (15.4 inch) on the right.

back side

I bought a Mac product for the first time in a while, but since this is the first time I’ve used a USB-C environment, I decided to prepare a dock station. After much consideration, I chose belkin’s CONNECT PRO. This is easy to use.

久しぶりにMac製品を買ったけど、今回の導入によりUSB-C環境が初めてになるので、ドックステーションも揃えることに。色々検討した結果、belkinのCONNECT PROにしました。これは使い勝手が良いです。

Gigabit Ethernet Adapter purchased for connecting waves Sound Grid Server.

waves Sound Grid Serverの接続用に購入したGigabit Ethernet Adapter。

And finally, HUAWEI’s curved monitor. I looked at other similar monitors, but this one was the most beautiful and cool. I’ve always wanted to make the mixer screen wider.

Older MacBook Pros may not be able to use new waves plugins, so

For the time being, I will use two MacBook Pros according to the environment.


古いMacBook Proではwavesの新しいプラグインが使用できないこともあるので、

しばらくは、2台のMacBook Pro を環境に応じて使い分けていこうと思います。

Site minor change



I don’t know if it’s not a PC screen, but I wanted a side banner, so I changed the site template (to the extent that it didn’t break the previous design).

The template I used so far didn’t support the side banner, so I tried changing the text color etc. for a little change. In the side banner, we placed some link banners as release information, so we made it possible to listen to the recorded songs at once from there. I would like to be able to listen to a lot so that I can listen to various things on this site.







Happy New Year.

It’s already 2022.

A year is quick.

I would like to continue this year with music production and make it a fruitful year. I would like to update the blog as much as possible.

We look forward to working with you this year as well.

kNock in Story Project J.M.C

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