Apple M1 Max

The Mac Pro (Desk Top) I’ve been using for about 10 years has broken down, and the MacBook Pro Intel (15.4inch) I’m still using now can’t keep up with my current work, so for the future Macbook Pro M1 Max I decided to purchase (16 inch).

今まで10年くらい使っていたMac Pro (Desk Top)が壊れ、代わりに現在も使っているMacBook Pro Intel(15.4inch)が今の作業に追いつかなくなってきたので、今後のためにMacbook Pro M1 Max(16inch)を購入することにしました。

Automatically turns on when you open the lid! It seems that the Apple mark on the back has become a specification that does not shine.


M1 Max (16 inch) on the left and Intel i7 (15.4 inch) on the right.

back side

I bought a Mac product for the first time in a while, but since this is the first time I’ve used a USB-C environment, I decided to prepare a dock station. After much consideration, I chose belkin’s CONNECT PRO. This is easy to use.

久しぶりにMac製品を買ったけど、今回の導入によりUSB-C環境が初めてになるので、ドックステーションも揃えることに。色々検討した結果、belkinのCONNECT PROにしました。これは使い勝手が良いです。

Gigabit Ethernet Adapter purchased for connecting waves Sound Grid Server.

waves Sound Grid Serverの接続用に購入したGigabit Ethernet Adapter。

And finally, HUAWEI’s curved monitor. I looked at other similar monitors, but this one was the most beautiful and cool. I’ve always wanted to make the mixer screen wider.

Older MacBook Pros may not be able to use new waves plugins, so

For the time being, I will use two MacBook Pros according to the environment.


古いMacBook Proではwavesの新しいプラグインが使用できないこともあるので、

しばらくは、2台のMacBook Pro を環境に応じて使い分けていこうと思います。

Site minor change



I don’t know if it’s not a PC screen, but I wanted a side banner, so I changed the site template (to the extent that it didn’t break the previous design).

The template I used so far didn’t support the side banner, so I tried changing the text color etc. for a little change. In the side banner, we placed some link banners as release information, so we made it possible to listen to the recorded songs at once from there. I would like to be able to listen to a lot so that I can listen to various things on this site.







Happy New Year.

It’s already 2022.

A year is quick.

I would like to continue this year with music production and make it a fruitful year. I would like to update the blog as much as possible.

We look forward to working with you this year as well.

kNock in Story Project J.M.C







Currently, we are building a new site with a new address.

(It’s been a long time, but for a while I was spending more time producing the sound source!)

The environment has changed, and the old site that was in operation until now could not be updated,

It will be renewed with a new address.

We are currently in the process of preparation, but we will update it from time to time. Thank you!

kNock in Story Project J.M.C

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