Video introduction(動画紹介)

「AIが何なのか知りたくて、とにかく色々試してみる。 【52歳からのスタート】」さん
kNock in Story Project J.M.C「The Womderful Sky (2023 Remastered)」


This time, I would like to introduce this song because a video creator used it for BGM on YouTube. It will be a video drawn on the theme of future cities using AI. The atmosphere and voice of the slow motion video are wonderful. Please watch it.

“Another World 2023 Remastered”Release

2023.11.26 Release kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Another World 2023 Remastered”
Original released in 2020

kNock in Story Project J.M.Cの1st ALBUM「Another World」のリマスター盤を配信致しました。前回の投稿(9月上旬)辺りからずっと作業を進めており、当時の楽曲のオリジナルを維持しつつも、自分の中ではほぼ0から作り直したような感覚だったのですが、なんとか今年中に完成できて良かったです。

1st アルバムのオリジナルが2020年配信のため、音楽配信サイトによっては2020年の棚に表示されていますので、良かったら検索して聞いてみてください。また、1stアルバムの収録曲については、どれも個人的に思い入れのある楽曲を収録しており、音質にも拘ったので、是非、音の良いヘッドホン、スピーカーで聴いていただけると嬉しいです!

The remastered version of kNock in Story Project J.M.C’s 1st ALBUM “Another World” has been delivered. I’ve been working since the last post (early September), and while maintaining the original song at that time, I felt like I had almost remade it from scratch, but I’m glad I managed to complete it by the end of this year.

The original of the 1st album will be released in 2020, so depending on the music distribution site, it is displayed on the 2020 shelf, so please search and listen to it if you like. In addition, all the songs included in the 1st album contain songs that I personally care about, and I was particular about the sound quality, so I would be happy if you could listen to them with headphones and speakers with good sound!

Single Pre-release

先日ブログでお伝えしていた1st Albumのリマスター音源がもうすぐ完成するのですが、制作の過程で今回の1st Albumに含まれてなかった音源を1曲追加収録することにいたしました。(以前配信していた「強く残されたもの 〜left strong〜」を改めて「left strong 〜強く残されたもの〜」として、新たにリマスタリングした音源になります。)


The remastered sound source of the 1st Album that I told you about on my blog the other day will be completed soon, but in the process of production, I decided to record an additional song of the sound source that was not included in this 1st Album. ( It will be a newly remastered sound source as “left strong ~left strong~” which was previously delivered as “left strong ~strong left.”)

In addition, this additional song will be pre-delivered ahead of this remastered album. It will be scheduled soon, so I hope you can look forward to the album release!

Goods page added

Goods page

kNock in Story Project J.M.Cのジャケット画像制作を手掛けている “朧月紅茶”さんがこの度、ジャケットデザインなどをモチーフにしたグッズ販売を始めました。

第一弾として、2nd Album「Planet」をデザインしたグッズが並んでいますが、今後は徐々にレパートリーを増やして色々なものが並んで行く予定です。Tシャツやパーカー、キーホルダーやトートバッグなど、カラーも選べるので良かったら覗いてみて下さい。

Original Printed T-shirt & Cushion

“Oborozuki Tea”, who is working on the jacket image production of kNock in Story Project J.M.C, has started selling goods with motifs such as jacket designs.
(A link to the Goods page has been added to the HP menu.)

As the first installment, goods that designed “Planet” of the 2nd Album are lined up, but in the future, we plan to gradually increase the repertoire and various things will be lined up. You can also choose colors such as T-shirts, hoodies, key chains and tote bags, so please take a look if you like.

1st Album Remaster Productions

1.The Wonderful Sky
2.Space Battleship
3.Super Night Run
4.Alien Advent
5.Rainy day
6.Music again
7.New world
9.New Soul
kNock in story Project J.M.C「Another World」
初回盤 : 配信終了 / Delivery has ended.

kNock in story Project J.M.Cの1st Album「Another World」のリマスター音源を近日配信する予定でして、現在、オリジナル音源のリメイク作業を始めています。

1st Albumの制作当時から比べると、機材などの制作環境がだいぶアップデートされているので、以前よりも聞き応えのある音源に仕上げられたらと思います。


We are planning to release the remastered sound source of kNock in story Project J.M.C’s 1st album “Another World” soon, and we are currently starting to remake the original sound source.

Compared to the time of production of the 1st album, the production environment such as equipment has been updated a lot, so I hope it will be finished with a more satisfying sound source than before.

First of all, the “Dreamer” EP will be delivered on 9/13, so I hope you can look forward to it for a while until it is completed!

K701 Ear pad replacement

AKG K701 Open Headphones


I haven’t used it for a while, but the ear pads of the K701 headphones are worn out, so I decided to replace both the left and right.

SONY MDRのヘッドホンのイヤーパッドはよく交換するんだけど、このタイプの交換も割と簡単に交換できました。パッド部分を左に少し回すだけで外れます。

I often replace the ear pads on my SONY MDR headphones, and this type of replacement was relatively easy. Just turn the pad slightly to the left and it will come off.


When I put them on in a loose state, my ears were surprisingly comfortable despite the softness of the pads, so I wondered if it would be okay to leave them as they are, but when I replaced the ear pads, the pads became hard and brand new. It seems that it has returned to normal, and if it has deteriorated, it would be a good idea to replace it.

K&M Headphone hanger


When I mix, I often listen to multiple headphones and compare them, so having a headphone hanger is highly recommended as it makes storage easier and looks neater.

「fluff」EP Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C「fluff」EP





“Fluff” EP has been released since 8/12.

I’m instrumentalizing my own composition, which was originally a song.

This “fluff” itself has been distributed before as a single or album recording, but this time I remade both the song and the jacket, and made it an EP with other songs.

(Personally, I like the sound and worldview with reverb, but this work is produced throughout the melody line and the reverb of the main string.)

I think it’s a pop work overall, so please listen to it if you like.

Also, it will be a new announcement, but we plan to release an up-tempo EP again after next month. It’s a little far from the world view of this work, but it will be an intense song! I’m obsessed with various details, so please look forward to it.

Guitar wireless system

XVーU2 Guitar wireless system



I found something that seemed to be very convenient on the musical instrument site and bought it immediately.

It is a wireless system that does not require a guitar and bass shield.

If you plug one into the guitar body, plug the other into the amplifier, and match both channels, you can make a sound without connecting the guitar chords anymore. This is very convenient.


I haven’t used it yet, but especially when I play the guitar at home, the long chords don’t get in the way, and the freedom of the place has increased. I didn’t particularly care about the latency either.

In addition, it is recommended because you can charge the battery at once.

Semi-Acoustic Guitar

Ibanez / AM93QM-JBB / Jet Blue Burst

先日届いたTONEX Pedalをきっかけに、今はギターにハマっているのですが、最近、楽器サイトで偶然見かけた青いセミアコースティックギターが目に止まり、セミアコを保有したことがなかったのと、ボディカラーがすごく好きだったので、興味本位で購入しました。


I’m currently addicted to guitars because of the “TONEX Pedal” that arrived the other day, but recently, the blue semi-acoustic guitar I happened to see on the instrument site caught my eye, and I had never owned a Semi-Acoustic guitar, and the body I liked the color very much, so I bought it out of curiosity.

Both sides of the body are hollow, and compared to the solid guitar, the live sound resonates in the box, so the sound is beautiful.


4月頭に注文したギターアンプシミュレーター(Tonex Pedal)が入荷して、ようやく手元に届きました。(結構な人気商品のようで、納期に時間がかかったようです。)

ギターアンプシミュレーターに関しては、これまでずっとLINE6のPOD XTを使ってきたんだけど、今回のシミュレーターは、(第一印象ですが)だいぶ解像度が高く、PODxtと比べても音の芯が太い感じがします。今時の機材は凄いですね。


メーカーはIK Multimediaなので、流石に完成度は高いですね。昨年辺りからプラグインでも使うようになってきて注目してたので期待通りでした。


The guitar amp simulator (Tonex Pedal) I ordered at the beginning of April arrived and finally arrived. ( It seems to be quite a popular product, and it seems that the delivery time took a long time.)

As for the guitar amplifier simulator, I’ve been using LINE6’s POD XT for a long time, but this simulator has a much higher resolution (although it’s the first impression), and the core of the sound feels thick compared to PODxt. Yes. The equipment of this time is amazing.

Rather than creating a sound, it is impressive that it faithfully reproduces the original sound, but as a construction, the combination of the amplifier and the cabinet can be changed and there is also an EQ reverb, so you can do it to your liking. ( Personally, I was impressed by the reality of the spread of the reverb.)

The manufacturer is IK Multimedia, so as expected, the degree of completion is high. I’ve been using plug-ins since around last year, and I’ve been paying attention to it, so it was as expected.

I would like to make use of it in my future song making.

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