
I’m making a new song as the first of the year, and I’m working on creating a new song. It’s a slightly different stage than before, but I hope I can shape it with my own worldview! I think it will be released soon, so please enjoy it.
I hope you have a wonderful year!

Thank you for 2024!


今年は以前から練っていた4th ALBUM「Long-Road」(25曲)とミニアルバム「Black aRRow」(8曲)のリリースができたので、一先ず目標は達成できたかなと思います。楽曲たちが詰まった壊れたHDDは未だ復旧作業中で、11月後半に体調崩したりと色々ありましたが、現在は次を目指して新曲制作に取り掛かっているところです。



Thank you for visiting and watching the site this year.

This year, we were able to release our 4th album “Long-Road” (25 songs) and mini album “Black aRRow” (8 songs), which we had been planning for a while, so I think we have achieved our goals for now. We are still working on recovering the broken HDD filled with songs, and we had a lot of issues, such as getting sick in late November, but we are currently working on creating new songs with the next goal in mind.

We will continue to work hard and have fun so that we can deliver unique songs and sounds next year! We look forward to your continued support in 2025.

We hope you have a happy new year!

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “The Wonderful Sky”

Health recovery



I haven’t updated anything for a while, but I’ve been sick with a cold for about two weeks and I’m finally getting better. Anyway, health is the most important thing. I’ll be careful not to push myself too hard.

It may have been a shock to me that the HDD that stored my music data broke, but I’m still working on recovering it, so it’s too early to give up. I also stopped writing new songs midway, but I’m going to start working on them again. There’s not much time left this year, so I won’t be able to finish them until next year, but please be patient and look forward to them.

“Black aRRow”&“Spider”Release


シングルとして先行で配信している“Echo”含む、全8曲収録のミニアルバム “Black aRRow”と、本日、シングル “Spider”をリリースいたしました。リズミックなものや、空想的な雰囲気に仕上がったインストゥルメンタルです!


It’s November now and it’s getting quite cold.

Today, I’d like to introduce two new releases.
I’ve released the mini-album “Black aRRow” which contains 8 songs, including the single “Echo”, and today I’ve released the single “Spider”. It’s an instrumental with a rhythmic and fantastical atmosphere!

Please give it a listen if you’d like.

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Spider” 2024.11.02 Release
kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Black aRRow” (Includes 8 songs) 2024.10.11 Release


そして、復旧できた後のデータコピー先確保の為、この機会に4TBのSSDを購入しました(もっと早く買えば良かった)。写真左側:SanDisk 超高速転送 最大2000MB/秒。右側は今まで使ってたSSD(1TB 1000MB/秒)ですが、大きさも若干違います。左の2000MB/秒の方がオレンジが光沢で、サイドラインも入っててかっこいいです。

The other day, the 5TB HDD that had been storing the sound source data I had created up until now suddenly started making a clicking sound and became unrecognizable, so I had it diagnosed at a nearby PC repair shop and was told that it was a severe physical failure. After several trial and error attempts, I was at a loss, so I had no choice but to ask for data recovery (estimated at 490,000 yen!). I regret not having backed up the data for a while… I hope it will be restored safely.

And to secure a destination for copying data after recovery, I took this opportunity to purchase a 4TB SSD (I should have bought it sooner). Left side of the photo: SanDisk ultra-high speed transfer up to 2000MB/s. The right side is the SSD I had been using until now (1TB 1000MB/s), and although the size is slightly different, the 2000MB/s on the left is shiny orange and has side lines, which makes it look cool.

“Echo (Single Ver.)” Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Echo (Single Ver.)”

本日、kNock in Story Project J.M.Cからシングル “Echo”(エコー)をリリースいたしました。





Today, kNock in Story Project J.M.C released the single “Echo”.

In addition, we are planning to release a mini album with 8 songs in October, and this “Echo” will be released in advance from the included songs. It is a melodious instrumental pop music that begins with the piano intro. Please listen to it if you like.

And we are currently preparing for the release of the mini album!

This was originally planned to be 7 songs, but we made one new song and recorded a total of 8 songs. Compared to the album containing 25 songs so far, it has become a work like a short short story collection, and it has become a work with a lot of content, from dramatic and intense songs to rhythmic and bright songs.

I think this will also be released soon, so please look forward to it!

New album EP production


4th アルバム「Long-Road」は聴いてみていただけましたでしょうか。リリース後、久しぶりに自分でも改めて聴いてみたんだけど、やはりこれまでのオリジナルアルバムより音質は向上していると思います。25曲あるので、1曲でも気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです!


It’s been a long time since I posted. It’s a very hot summer this year.

Have you listened to the 4th album “Long-Road”? After the release, I listened to it again for the first time in a long time, but I think the sound Quality is better than the original album so far. There are 25 songs, so I’d be happy if you like even one song!

Well, I’m currently producing a mini album EP for the next release. I think it will be a recording of about 7 songs, but I plan to summarize it into a unique and cool song like the EP released so far. Please look forward to it!

4th ALBUM “Long-Road” 7.29 Release

4th ALBUM “Long-Road” 7.29 Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C から4枚目のオリジナルアルバムをリリースすることになりました。今年に入ってからブログで幾度かお知らせはしていましたが、何だかんだんで半年かかりましたね。。もう少し早く完成できる想定でしたが、前作と異なる作品に拘ったためそれなりに時間かかってしまいました。お待たせいたしました。

そして、本作は3枚目のアルバム “Space Battleship”から約2年ぶりのリリースになります。今回のアルバム曲は主にミディアムテンポでメロディアスなトラックが多い印象ですが、曲により演出的な部分もあり、全体的に少し雰囲気を変えて制作しました。今回も25曲収録のため、曲順についてはライブリストのような感覚で、アップ寄りな曲とおとなしめな曲とでバランスよく入れたつもりです。

各ストアでの配信開始は7月29日となりますが、既にApple MusicやYoutubeなどで試聴が出来るようになっていますので、良かったら聴いていただければと思います。

kNock in Story Project J.M.C will release their fourth original album. I’ve announced it on my blog a few times since the beginning of this year, but it took half a year for it to be completed. I thought it would be completed a little sooner, but it took a while because I wanted to make it different from the previous work. Sorry for the wait.

This is the first release in about two years since the third album “Space Battleship”. The songs on this album are mostly medium tempo and melodic, but there are also some dramatic parts in the songs, so I created a slightly different atmosphere overall. Since this album contains 25 songs, I tried to balance the songs in the order of a live performance, with more upbeat and more subdued songs.

It will be available in various stores from July 29th, but you can already listen to it on Apple Music and Youtube, so I hope you’ll give it a listen.

thank you.

It will be completed soon.




A long time has passed since the start of album production, but the work is progressing steadily, and it seems that it will be completed soon for release.

This time it will be the 4th new album, but the jacket image has finally been completed!

The title is “Long-Road.” I think you can wait until the release of the whole picture, but it is scheduled to contain 25 songs as well as the third album. The sound has also been renewed, so please look forward to it!

“Blacksmith”(Minor changes Ver.) Release

2024.04.30 Release “Blacksmith” (Minor changes Ver.)

初回盤 “Blacksmith”の配信期限が終了したため、この度ブラッシュアップした音源で再リリースいたしました。初回盤を聞いてないとわからないことですが、以前と比べ、グルーヴ感と激しさが増していますので、良かったら聴いてみてください。

Since the distribution deadline for the first edition “Blacksmith” has ended, we have re-released it with a polished up sound source. You won’t know this unless you listen to the first edition, but it has more groove and intensity than before, so please give it a listen if you like.

“Mistake One (2024 Ver.)” Release

2024/4/23 Release “Mistake One (2024 Ver.)” [Short Preview]

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Mistake One (2024 Ver.)”を新規配信します。


kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Mistake One (2024 Ver.)” Will be newly delivered.

It’s been a long time since the original release, so I almost remade it in the form of a remake. It’s an up-tempo and original song, but it’s a relatively popular song among my songs. I finished it with a more powerful sound than last time, so please listen to it if you like!

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