今年は以前から練っていた4th ALBUM「Long-Road」(25曲)とミニアルバム「Black aRRow」(8曲)のリリースができたので、一先ず目標は達成できたかなと思います。楽曲たちが詰まった壊れたHDDは未だ復旧作業中で、11月後半に体調崩したりと色々ありましたが、現在は次を目指して新曲制作に取り掛かっているところです。
Thank you for visiting and watching the site this year.
This year, we were able to release our 4th album “Long-Road” (25 songs) and mini album “Black aRRow” (8 songs), which we had been planning for a while, so I think we have achieved our goals for now. We are still working on recovering the broken HDD filled with songs, and we had a lot of issues, such as getting sick in late November, but we are currently working on creating new songs with the next goal in mind.
We will continue to work hard and have fun so that we can deliver unique songs and sounds next year! We look forward to your continued support in 2025.
We hope you have a happy new year!