Thank you again for this year.

特に今年の夏は大変暑かったですね(その影響で愛車がレッカー車で運ばれてしまった思い出ができましたが)。音楽活動では以前からやり直したかった1st Albumのリマスター盤をようやく出すことができたので、自分の中でひと段落ついた感じです。

来年は1/8と1/28にシングル(各2曲)をリリースするのですが、そろそろ4th Albumもリリースに向けて準備する予定ですので、楽しみにしていてください。



There are only a few days left this year, but a year went by so fast.

Especially this summer was very hot (although I had a memory that my car was carried by a tow truck due to that influence). In music activities, I was finally able to release a remastered version of the 1st Album that I wanted to start over for a long time, so I feel like I’ve finished a paragraph in myself.

Next year, we will release singles (2 songs each) on 1/8 and 1/28, but we are planning to prepare for the release of the 4th Album soon, so please look forward to it.

Thank you very much for your many visits this year.

HP will also be updated from time to time,

Thank you for your continued support next year.

Well then, please have a happy New Year so that you don’t break your body!

by kNock in Story Project J.M.C


投稿者: nakajiproject

作曲・編曲・シンセサイザーをメインとしたクリエイター。現在はインターネットを中心にInstrumental musicを配信中。 Creator mainly composed, arranged and synthesizers. Currently, instrumental music is being distributed mainly on the Internet.


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