来週1/28にデジタルシングル「Dear all」をリリースします。いつも通りインストゥルメンタルですが、今回はアレンジ重視でなくポップスよりの楽曲でして、久しぶりのバラードになります。カップリングも明るく元気な楽曲になりますので、良かったら聴いていただければと思います。
We will release the digital single “Dear all” next week on January 28th. As usual, it’s an instrumental song, but this time it’s more of a pop song than the arrangement, and it’s been a while since I’ve done a ballad. The coupling song will be bright and energetic, so please give it a listen if you like.
We are also currently working on an album in preparation for the release of our fourth album. As with the previous 2nd and 3rd albums, we are planning to record 25 songs, so I think it will take quite a while, but we hope you look forward to the completion!