シングルとして先行で配信している“Echo”含む、全8曲収録のミニアルバム “Black aRRow”と、本日、シングル “Spider”をリリースいたしました。リズミックなものや、空想的な雰囲気に仕上がったインストゥルメンタルです!
It’s November now and it’s getting quite cold.
Today, I’d like to introduce two new releases.
I’ve released the mini-album “Black aRRow” which contains 8 songs, including the single “Echo”, and today I’ve released the single “Spider”. It’s an instrumental with a rhythmic and fantastical atmosphere!
Please give it a listen if you’d like.
そして、復旧できた後のデータコピー先確保の為、この機会に4TBのSSDを購入しました(もっと早く買えば良かった)。写真左側:SanDisk 超高速転送 最大2000MB/秒。右側は今まで使ってたSSD(1TB 1000MB/秒)ですが、大きさも若干違います。左の2000MB/秒の方がオレンジが光沢で、サイドラインも入っててかっこいいです。

The other day, the 5TB HDD that had been storing the sound source data I had created up until now suddenly started making a clicking sound and became unrecognizable, so I had it diagnosed at a nearby PC repair shop and was told that it was a severe physical failure. After several trial and error attempts, I was at a loss, so I had no choice but to ask for data recovery (estimated at 490,000 yen!). I regret not having backed up the data for a while… I hope it will be restored safely.
And to secure a destination for copying data after recovery, I took this opportunity to purchase a 4TB SSD (I should have bought it sooner). Left side of the photo: SanDisk ultra-high speed transfer up to 2000MB/s. The right side is the SSD I had been using until now (1TB 1000MB/s), and although the size is slightly different, the 2000MB/s on the left is shiny orange and has side lines, which makes it look cool.