“Blacksmith”(Minor changes Ver.) Release

2024.04.30 Release “Blacksmith” (Minor changes Ver.)

初回盤 “Blacksmith”の配信期限が終了したため、この度ブラッシュアップした音源で再リリースいたしました。初回盤を聞いてないとわからないことですが、以前と比べ、グルーヴ感と激しさが増していますので、良かったら聴いてみてください。

Since the distribution deadline for the first edition “Blacksmith” has ended, we have re-released it with a polished up sound source. You won’t know this unless you listen to the first edition, but it has more groove and intensity than before, so please give it a listen if you like.

“Mistake One (2024 Ver.)” Release

2024/4/23 Release “Mistake One (2024 Ver.)” [Short Preview]

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Mistake One (2024 Ver.)”を新規配信します。


kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Mistake One (2024 Ver.)” Will be newly delivered.

It’s been a long time since the original release, so I almost remade it in the form of a remake. It’s an up-tempo and original song, but it’s a relatively popular song among my songs. I finished it with a more powerful sound than last time, so please listen to it if you like!

NEW ALBUM in production



※Go to an external site. / 外部サイトへ移動します。

I haven’t been able to update much since the last post, but I’m currently steadily producing my fourth original album. It takes a long time because there are many scheduled songs, but the song has just finished about half of it. I’m making it a better album than ever, so I hope you’ll look forward to it.

In addition, it will be an advertisement for goods products, but because it is spring seasonally, a new spring jacket design has been added. If you don’t mind, please take a peek♩

Site recovery




Our site has been down since February 8th and has been restored today.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to those who visited us.

After searching around, it seems that the automatic update of security plugins was causing the problem, and .htaccess was the problem. I’ll have to wait and see what happens for a while, but I hope you’ll keep an eye on it!

As for music production, we are about to start working on our 4th album. This time, we are planning to record mainly melodic pop tracks, but we also want to create edgy sounds, including intense tracks, and sounds that are comfortable to listen to that are unique to instrumental music. Please look forward to it.

“Dear all”Release

kNock in Story Project J.M.C “Dear all”
Music Preview: Dear all – Destiny’s Love

来週1/28にデジタルシングル「Dear all」をリリースします。いつも通りインストゥルメンタルですが、今回はアレンジ重視でなくポップスよりの楽曲でして、久しぶりのバラードになります。カップリングも明るく元気な楽曲になりますので、良かったら聴いていただければと思います。


We will release the digital single “Dear all” next week on January 28th. As usual, it’s an instrumental song, but this time it’s more of a pop song than the arrangement, and it’s been a while since I’ve done a ballad. The coupling song will be bright and energetic, so please give it a listen if you like.

We are also currently working on an album in preparation for the release of our fourth album. As with the previous 2nd and 3rd albums, we are planning to record 25 songs, so I think it will take quite a while, but we hope you look forward to the completion!

“Cave in the story” Release

2024.01.08 “Cave in the story” (2 songs included)

本日、kNock in Story Project J.M.C からDigital Single「Cave in the story」を配信開始致しました。タイトルは “物語の中の洞窟”。2曲目“地下帝国”は世界観重視で1曲目のオプションとして新たに制作した楽曲です。良かったら聴いてみてください。

※Go to an external site. / 外部サイトへ移動します


Today, we started distributing the Digital Single “Cave in the story” from kNock in Story Project J.M.C. The title is “The Cave in the Story.” The second song “Underground Empire” is a newly produced song as an option for the first song with an emphasis on the world view. Please listen to it if you like.

And we are also holding a New Year’s sale at the goods shop from 1/6. I also bought a black hoodie (Blacksmith) at this shop the other day! It arrived immediately and I’ve been wearing layers recently, but the fabric is a little thick and it’s just right for this season, and I like it, so I’m thinking of buying other patterns. If you don’t mind, please take a peek.

Happy New Year 2024



Happy New Year.

I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to everyone affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake on January 1.

I pray for the early recovery of the disaster area.

kNock in Story Project J.M.C

Once more

「AIが何なのか知りたくて、とにかく色々試してみる。 【52歳からのスタート】」さん

今月ブログでご紹介させていただきました動画クリエイター「AIが何なのか知りたくて、とにかく色々試してみる。 【52歳からのスタート】」さんより、Instrumentalとして改めて楽曲紹介頂きましたので、こちらのサイトでも掲載させていただきます。
(動画投稿者様ありがとうございます! m(_ _)m)


The video creator I introduced on my blog this month introduced the song again as Instrumental, so I will also post it on this site.
(Thank you for the video contributor!)
I hope you can also watch other introduction songs and video contents.

Everyone, thank you again for this year.
I look forward to working with you in 2024.

Thank you again for this year.

特に今年の夏は大変暑かったですね(その影響で愛車がレッカー車で運ばれてしまった思い出ができましたが)。音楽活動では以前からやり直したかった1st Albumのリマスター盤をようやく出すことができたので、自分の中でひと段落ついた感じです。

来年は1/8と1/28にシングル(各2曲)をリリースするのですが、そろそろ4th Albumもリリースに向けて準備する予定ですので、楽しみにしていてください。



There are only a few days left this year, but a year went by so fast.

Especially this summer was very hot (although I had a memory that my car was carried by a tow truck due to that influence). In music activities, I was finally able to release a remastered version of the 1st Album that I wanted to start over for a long time, so I feel like I’ve finished a paragraph in myself.

Next year, we will release singles (2 songs each) on 1/8 and 1/28, but we are planning to prepare for the release of the 4th Album soon, so please look forward to it.

Thank you very much for your many visits this year.

HP will also be updated from time to time,

Thank you for your continued support next year.

Well then, please have a happy New Year so that you don’t break your body!

by kNock in Story Project J.M.C

Video introduction 2 (動画紹介)

「AIが何なのか知りたくて、とにかく色々試してみる。 【52歳からのスタート】」さん
kNock in Story Project J.M.C「New Soul (2023 Remastered)」


Following the previous post, I would like to introduce you because the video creator used this song as BGM on YouTube. It will be an AI image generation video. I feel the future. Please watch it.

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